thecraftybitch Mar 01, 2007 23:46
homework, school, drama club, time management, exhaustion, adhd, health (or the lack thereof), really bad things, freaking out
thecraftybitch Feb 24, 2007 22:07
yoda, enjoyable occasions, drama club, awkward interactions, work, time management, exhaustion, mindless rantings, making plans, pussycats, moving, freaking out
thecraftybitch Feb 16, 2007 22:23
geekiness, drama club, being a dumb girl, car, school, grad school, awkward interactions, work, time management, exhaustion, making plans, adhd, health (or the lack thereof), timmy, neuroticisms, freaking out
thecraftybitch Feb 14, 2007 22:08
geekiness, trophy wifeness, enjoyable occasions, drama club, being a dumb girl, time management, mindless rantings, making plans, freaking out
thecraftybitch Feb 14, 2007 17:55
adhd, school, freaking out